News and Events

Our engineers are carrying out inspections on the Taro Viaduct, the next ambitious project for monitoring a brand new viaduct since its first opening to traffic! A custom-made smart monitoring system, designed by the Sacertis Technology Department in collaboration with Giuseppe Laonigro, for static and dynamic monitoring during operation.
Professor Mancini, CEO of Sacertis, accompanied by Ing. Paola Darò, Technical Director of the Engineering Department, held the Lectio Magistralis "Safety, Monitoring, and Diagnostics of Existing Structures" organized by the ATE ASSOCIATION OF CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGISTS on December 16, 2021.
Italferr S.p.A. participated with RFI Rete Ferroviaria Italiana in the first edition of the Earth Technology Expo, the fair dedicated to technological innovation held in Florence from October 13 to 16, presenting its innovative projects.
SACERTIS Ingegneria SRL, in partnership with the Politecnico di Torino, carried out an important campaign of experimental tests on reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete beams as part of a research project promoted by Sina S.p.A. in collaboration with AUTOSTRADA DEI FIORI.
New technologies applied to bridge monitoring and control: this was the title of the online conference proposed by PIARC - World Road Association on September 23, with the sponsorship of ANAS SpA (FS Italian Group) and the Superior Council of Public Works, as well as the close collaboration of AISICO S.r.l. and SITE.
We are proud to have surpassed the milestone of 50 structures continuously monitored.
On the 3rd of June the second Pan European Forum meeting will take place. The event will be from 12 – 15 hours. Information about the programma and the presentation will follow soon!
Sacertis' campaign of static and dynamic characterization of viaducts subject to continuous monitoring continues, through proof load tests and real-time control of test results by our engineers using apps and mobile devices.

The second CoP meeting for the ITALIAN region took place on April 8th 2021 with specific focus on the WP5 analysis of the current status of standardization in monitoring, data-based safety assessment and maintenance of the transport infrastructure.

R&D and Innovation

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  • University collaboration agreements
  • Laboratory testing/site full-scale testing
  • National and International Research Projects
  • Innovation & Applied Research
  • Scientific Publications
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